That's not a tiny glimmer the national dialogue correcting itself that you see, that's a school yard brawl.
Says HowieThe Pundit War, Three Years Later
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, March 20, 2006; 8:21 AM
For some liberal pundits, it's payback time.
For some conservative commentators, it's time for uncomfortable explanations.
Yeah, that's all it is, you putz. Payback.
That is, of course if you disregard the HUNDRED THOUSAND DEAD PEOPLE.
Or our newly reinforced image as clowns around the world Or the tragic results of domestic neglect like rising poverty Or old people stranded on rooftops Or dazzling RX prices Or no energy policy blah blah blah For the rest of us, it's the best show in town.
Woo hoo, party time! And who wants to actually
examine our own complicity anyway duh?
It was probably inevitable, once the Iraq war started to go badly -- though how badly remains a matter of political dispute -- that those who opposed it from the start would begin kicking sand in the face of those who backed it from the start. Had the war been a smashing success, accusing fingers would undoubtedly be pointing in the opposite direction.
He means like during the Mission Accomplished Era, when conservative pundits branded all the sane people as traitors. All those times when he said, you know,
nothing at all.
Some of those on the right now say they were wrong, or that they miscalculated, or that the Bush administration has bungled what remains a noble effort. Others insist the war is not going all that badly, given the difficulty of bringing democracy to Iraq, and that history's verdict is not yet in.
They said/they said still lives! Extra points! for use at the first possible opportunity.
But this is no high-minded debate about military strategy and ancient religious hatreds. It is an old-fashioned smackdown by those who detest George W. Bush against those who once defended him.
So for GOD'S sake, whatever you do, Do Not attribute those whose judgement was sound, whose assessment was solid, whose reasoning was Reality Based and has been time proven, with ANY wisdom What.So.Ever.
It's a cat fight, I tell ya. A bloody CATFIGHT. That's ALL!
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