Bush damaging USA
I didn’t know whether to be amused or sad after reading two letters supporting President Bush (
http://www.estripes.com/article.asp?section=125&article=35815) that mentioned Sept. 11, 2001, as a reason for supporting him. While history will judge, isn’t it pretty clear by now that the response to the attacks of 9/11 has been less than successful and the presidency of George Bush will leave the USA a much weaker country in every sense of the word, militarily, financially and morally?
Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahri are free and, more than four years into the mission, Afghanistan is not pacified. In Iraq, poor planning and the inadequately staffed and often corrupt occupation has created another terrorist training ground, another terrorist leader — Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi — and caused the death of thousands of Iraqis and Americans. Three years into the mission and we are on the razor’s edge of civil war in Iraq. Despite these vital commitments, Bush’s secretary of defense opposes expanding the size of the Army. This, of course, makes it harder on the soldiers who are in the Army and have to deploy more often.
Bush’s fiscal policies have created a huge deficit and mortgaged us to the Chinese government. He claims the right to imprison any American at any time without access to a court, just on his say-so. He claims the right to spy on Americans without a warrant. He opposes laws against torture, but will punish the privates and sergeants who get caught torturing. I only hope that his declining approval ratings will force the Congress to rein him in and stop him from doing much more damage to the USA.
Thomas Doherty
Baghdad, Iraq
I've added this letter to the list here: