The Minnesota flight instructors -- NOT THE SCHOOL -- reported Moussaoui to the FAA. The FAA told them to call the FBI. The FBI said to "fuhgedaboudid." The flight instructors then called the DEMOCRATIC Congressmen Oberstar and Sabo. These DEMOCRATS got the FBI off their ass in Washington. The DEMs busted Moussaoui. But the puke FBI FAILED to get a FISA warrant and so, they say, they couldn't look into Moussaoui's laptop. Of course, they blame Moussaoui and want him dead.
The strange case of Zacarias Moussaoui: FBI refused to investigate man charged in September 11 attacksBy Patrick Martin
5 January 2002
The case of Zacarias Moussaoui raises many questions about the conduct of the FBI and other US intelligence agencies in the period leading up the September 11. It is the clearest example of the almost inexplicable refusal on the part of these agencies to take any action that could have prevented the bloodiest terrorist attack in American history.
Moussaoui was arraigned January 3 on six counts of conspiracy to commit murder and terrorism in the September 11 attacks. A French-born man of Moroccan Arab descent, Moussaoui refused “in the name of Allah” to make a plea, and a plea of not guilty was entered for him at the request of his public defender.
FBI refusal to actMoussaoui was arrested in Minnesota August 16 after officials of a flight school, the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Eagan, a suburb of Minneapolis, tipped off the FBI that he was seeking flight training on a Boeing 747 jumbo jet.
His conduct aroused suspicion: his attitude was belligerent, he was evasive about his personal background, he declined to speak French with an instructor who knew the language, and he paid the $6,300 fee in cash. He insisted on training to fly a jumbo jet despite an obvious lack of skill even with small planes. The prospective student reportedly did not want to learn how to take off or land, only how to steer the jet while it was in the air.
The instructor and a vice president of the flight school briefed two Democratic congressmen from the Minneapolis area in November about their repeated efforts to get the FBI to take an interest in Moussaoui’s conduct. Their accounts were first reported in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, then in the New York Times December 22.
The vice president of the flight school, who briefed Minnesota Congressmen James Oberstar and Martin Sabo, said it took four to six phone calls to the FBI to find an agent who would help. The instructor became so frustrated by the lack of response that he gave a prescient warning to the FBI that “a 747 loaded with fuel can be used as a bomb.”
CONTINUED... Great article, there, johnnie! Much obliged.
Bush is not incompetent. He is a traitor.