, the world's top PC maker, plans to double its headcount in India over three years, its founder said on Monday, but there was no word on the location of a planned manufacturing unit in the country.
Dell said its staff numbers in India would rise to 20,000 over the next three years from about 10,000 now. Dell has set up huge business process outsourcing units to tap India's vast pool of low-cost English-speaking workers, as other multinationals such as General Electric have done.
"India produces over 200,000 engineers and we see that as an asset for our hardware and software activities," Chairman Michael Dell told reporters in India's technology capital, Bangalore.
"The kind of investments that have occurred in China, Taiwan, Singapore, we would really like to see this in India," Dell said.
Article has more... stock prices for Dell skyrocketed today as well. I had no idea the braindrain and demise of America was considered profitable. :shrug: