I don't recall the beheadings of American soldiers starting until after the POW torture at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, became public knowledge. I don't think any American POWs were killed during the first Gulf War. Some may have been beaten or mistreated, but you kind of expect that out of sorry criminal regime like Saddam's, but not out of a country like ours, who is signatory to the Geneva Convention Rules and a country that preaches "HUMAN RIGHTS to despotic criminals around the world, who would torture unarmed, restrained, prisoners of war.
Abu Ghraib Dog Tactics Came From Guantanamo
Testimony Further Links Procedures at 2 Facilities
By Josh White
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 27, 2005; Page A14
Military interrogators at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq learned about the use of military working dogs to intimidate detainees from a team of interrogators dispatched from the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to court testimony yesterday.
One interrogation analyst also testified that sleep deprivation and forced nudity -- which were used in Cuba on high-value detainees -- later were approved tactics at Abu Ghraib. Another soldier said that interrogators would regularly pass instructions to have dog handlers and military police "scare up" detainees as part of interrogation plans, part of an approved approach that relied on exploiting the fear of dogs. MORE...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/26/AR2005072601792.html"NEVER AGAIN?"
Amon Goeth
Born in Vienna Amon Goeth joined a Nazi youth group at seventeen, moved to a nationalist paramilitary group at nineteen, and, in 1930, when he was twenty-two, joined the then outlawed Austrian Nazi Party. He was designated No. 510,964, and in the same year he joined the S.S.
Amon Goeth fled to Germany when he was pursued by Austrian authorities for crimes involving explosives. His superior officers admired his devotion, gave him glowing personal evaluations and transferred him to the S.S. A son was born in 1939 and died of unexplained causes less than a year later. Amon Goeth was a model officer, and his reward was a posting, in August, 1942, with Aktion Reinhard, the S.S. operation to liquidate more than two million Polish Jews.
His posting as commandant at Plaszow was his career zenith ...
"The case of Olmer, whose daughter lives in Jerusalem, and I know her .. He was summoned by the Camp Commandant Amon Goeth. The Camp Commandant had two dogs, Ralf and Rolf, and he set the dogs on him. The dogs ate him up alive. Possibly a little breath still remained in him. He shot him and he was killed ...More
The regime was strict, punishment was inflicted, and harsh labor was required. Solitary confinement in the dark and airless prison cells of the “Bunker,” the usual punishment for acts considered sabotage or resistance, was often accompanied by severe beatings or other torture. Other routine torture methods included attacks by SS dogs. In addition to the “Bunker,” there was a barrack separated from the camp by a fence, which served as a punishment block. SS Reichsführer and Head of the German Police, Heinrich Himmler, ordered whippings beginning in April 1942. A prisoner categorized as a criminal carried out the orders, and received extra rations. The camp doctor was required to be present at each punishment, to confirm it had been carried out. Himmler later ordered whipping to be used only as a “last resort.” MORE...
http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/Ravensbruck.htmlCOURT REVOKES U.S. CITIZENSHIP OF FORMER
At Sachsenhausen, Negele was selected for special training in the use of a guard dog. Guards with dogs were used to patrol the perimeter of concentration camps, to guard prisoners en route to and from transports and work details, and to pursue escaped prisoners. The SS regulations stated that dogs were trained to attack prisoners when ordered by their handler, to subdue escaped and escaping prisoners, and, if necessary, to "bite without mercy."
http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/1999/July/317crm.htmVught (Holland)
Originally, Vught was divided into two sections: the first one (Judendurchgangslager - JDL) was designed to hold the Jewish prisoners before their transit to Germany the transfers were done in two transports: from Vught to Westerbock then from Westerbock to the extermination camps. The pending transfer of Jewish prisoners to Westerbock never created panic: many of the Jews thought that they would stay permanently in Westerbock. They didn't know that Westerbock was just a "waiting room" before their extermination.
The second section of Vught was designed as a security camp (Schutzhaftlager). This section received all the Dutch and Belgian political prisoners, men and women. The guards were exclusively SS. The food was nearly nonexistent : warm water with some carrots or sauerkraut floating on the surface. The SS guards tortured the prisoners with incredible cruelty beating them to death (several prisoners were brutalized with a club wrapped with barbed wire). The SS often provoked their dogs to attack prisoners and there are several testimonies of horrible wounds, including to genitals. Hundreds of Dutch and Belgian prisoners were executed by shooting in a place called "De Ijzeren Man", located +-900 meters from the camp. MORE...
http://www.jewishgen.org/ForgottenCamps/Camps/VughtEngl.htmlNEVER AGAIN??????