Edited on Tue Mar-21-06 11:35 AM by EST
The results were that he doesn't do anything like we are thinking. His mind just doesn't go that deep.
He has coasted into everything, education, plum military assignment, baseball bigshit, oil magnate, all that has just fallen in his lap. For him it's pretty effortless. His past, present, and future have been watched over by indentured experts, every step of the way, with the edges smoothed, the road ahead not overly demanding, and even the past re-ordered and the fubars cleaned up, paid off, covered up or killed. I do not doubt a lot of the thinge he used to remember as particularly trying or disturbing have been so dressed up that his own memories have been altered over time such that he mostly remembers it in the new, redrawn fashion. (1984, anyone?)
Most of us have no real conception of the near kingly, spoiled rotten little prince, who must be watched over by some magical wizard, guardian angels or Yahweh, himself, lest he hook his toe on a stone and come to grief.
He wants to be remembered as a great man, adored, admired, the object of great affection and respect, paragon of great power (stern, kindly daddy power) who could unleash world cracking desolation on the entirety of all living creatures, visibly demonstrating his king like/godlike restraint, thus no all out atomic missile exchange (yet) and insisting on only sending a barely adequate force into Iraq, at great forebearance and pain, while making sure the locals understand that he could flatten Baghdad in three minutes, if he wanted.
George Dumyah Bush has no more notion of what it takes, in terms of intellect, application, industry, and yes, a bit of luck to create himself as a real, deserving, great man or leader. His world does not intersect with ours. He really thinks he is working hard, making momentous decisions, showing his strength but with god/princeling humility. I am also sure he is totally puzzled that a large percentage of the populace despises him (if he even notices it,) keeping in mind the packing of his public appearances is not just a political ploy, but serves the more important underlying purpose of maintaining his artificial world, intact.
Should he start seeing the little oddities and aberrations, a man of deeper penetration or even normal intellectual curiosity would surely start seeing a lot of incongruities and begin questioning the setup. But a lifetime of conditioning has taught him not to notice the staging scenes. The times when it gets hairy show up when he decides to test the elasticity of his carefully constructed reality or does something silly, like riding a fallible mechanical contrivance-giving his handlers fits with the speeded up, less than totally scripted action, without his stunt double, of course, he hits the wall that isn't really there and gets mangled. His soothers and scripters are right there (they'd better be,) on the spot, to edit his memories and blend the rough edges to bring the action back under control.
He really does not know his entire universe is a construct. Imagine a Rod Serling "Twilight Zone" from fifty years ago, not done with magic or fifth and sixth dimensional manipulation of details, just modern technology, devoted detail mappers and handlers, and tightly controlled backdrop with limited boundaries. No damn wonder his staff is totally burned out with dizzy exhaustion! That is where the really hard work is executed!
Imagine the huge implications of his zero veto administration - no need for a veto when all the big decisions are already scripted, totally foregone conclusions. When he screws up and goes off script or gets a wild hair, he thinks he will test his mettle with something like that fu**ed up veto threat of the Dubai ports deal. That wasn't supposed to happen. What a wild ride: that whole deal was supposed to simply slide through, under the radar, like several trillion bucks worth of other deals have done, but no one has happened to turn over the right rock. If a bit of nosy, off the record investigation gets done, there is going to be an explosion and aftermath like no one has ever seen.
The big tools for limiting the attention paid to the fact that the very soil under your feet has already been sold include paying bribes, very easy, safe and, with unlimited funds, far preferable. More wars of distraction are also fairly easy to arrange and execute, since it really doesn't matter who wins if the game has been set up correctly. Assassination, too, if some stubborn SOB catches on and won't shut up, has been used and will continue to be used with impunity, and if used judiciously, since the courts are owned and available secrecy exercized, attract little objective attention.
A mechanical/electronic cyborg would have been more convenient but the available technology won't support it and as long as he doesn't get out of line, the current arrangement works well.
Hell, by 2008, they may have a workable cyborg for McCain or he may have died at about the time of the 2004 RNC convention and a surgically altered forty-year-old slipped smoothly into place, neatly explaining the McVain McCain McMadness.
The first part of this essay is pretty accurate, the last part mostly conjecture, with a dollop of tin foil hattism going a long way. Enjoy!