I got a reply from our local meteorologist re: year-long hurricane seasons
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Tue Mar-21-06 09:34 AM
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I got a reply from our local meteorologist re: year-long hurricane seasons |
Last week, I posted on here regarding the possibility of globabl warming and year-long hurricane seasons. I also sent an email to one of our local TV station's meteorologists. Here's his reply:
Thanks for your question. It's a good one. Over in the far western Pacific they actually have a year round hurricane season. Ocean water temps are the key in this part of the world.....they remain above 80F and that's why typhoons can develop year round. If Global warming continues then somewhere down the road....a long way down the road...I wouldn't rule out your scenario. Lets see how things play out over the next 10 years before we jump to any conclusions. Take care and thanks for your question.
Tony Mainolfi WESH-TV2 Sunrise Meteorologist
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