In today's ultra-tense political landscape, there's no question that the thought-provoking action-thriller "V For Vendetta" is going to press a blazing red-hot button: especially with conservatives, who, without seeing the movie, may get the feeling that a great big V is being painted on their foreheads.
But director James McTeigue asks that people not to go into the film with such pre-conceived notions. With an open mind, he hopes that moviegoers will come to realize that "V For Vendetta" is not an anti-British or anti-American film, but an anti-fascist and anti-corrupt government film.
"V" is a story, effectively that could be set in any country. He said that the film isn't about pitting liberals versus conservatives, but restoring power back to the people.
"A lot of the questions I get are geared at this being Bush's America or Blair's Britain -- and I don't agree with that," McTeigue told me in an @ The Movies interview Thursday. "I think it's an allegorical tale, a cautionary tale. It's about what happens when governments go left unchecked and hopefully, about people trying to have a voice in the government again and trying to regain control."