For the past year, the growing tensions mounting between the US, Israel, and Iran are reaching a point where military action against Iran is w/in months of becoming reality. The repercussions are terrifying as such military action could involve countries such as China and Russia as they share massive energy/economic interests w/ Iran. The most likely scenario we would face would be the collapse of the US economy as the combination of a massive rise in oil prices and a run on the US dollar would surely be the weapon many countries would use to fight back against a preemptive US or Israeli strike.
For a collection of articles and resources on this subject you can visit this link:
http://reseaudesign.com/research/iran/iran_summery.htmlI'm starting up a petition which I will be sending out to as many members of Congress as possible. I'm asking for help to get this signed by as many people, possible in the next month. Send it to as many people you can.
http://www.petitiononline.com/n0war1rn /
Also, here is another petition you can sign from another group:
http://stopwaroniran.org/statement.shtmlThanks for your time