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NY state consideres not sending kids out of state for shock therapy

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
splat@14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 02:03 PM
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NY state consideres not sending kids out of state for shock therapy
Forget about rendition for suspect terrorist, how about for children in US schools?!


March 21, 2006

The state's highest education-policy board is considering a proposal to stop sending New York school children to out-of-state facilities that use electric shock to treat psychological disorders.

A staff report to the Board of Regents yesterday targets the Judge Rotenberg Center a week after a Freeport mother who opposes the therapy announced she would sue her local school district for sending her son to the Massachusetts school. Experts say no other school in the nation uses mild electric shock to modify students' behavior.

Of the 151 New York state students at Rotenberg -- including those from New York City schools and more than 20 Long Island districts -- 77 are now receiving the controversial "aversion therapy." The report expresses concern that the therapy is not only used on students who are most "cognitively impaired" or severely "self-destructive," but also for those who are "higher functioning," with emotional disabilities, attention-deficit disorders and problems such as truancy and aggression.

"To some degree, it brings back memories of 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,'" said Roger Tilles, Long Island's representative on the Board of Regents, referring to the 1962 novel about abuses of shock therapy in a mental hospital.,0,5515555.story?coll=ny-top-headlines
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Trevelyan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 02:17 PM
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1. Oh that is creepy. How can we stop bush now?

the Rigorous Intuition blogspot had an article on the use of mental hospitals to get rid of our whistleblowers and focused on a woman related to Andrew Card who had information about the Lockerbee plane crash and the complicity of US Intelligence agencies and was committed several years ago when she tried to testify and friends say she is getting worse not better.

We are becoming the Soviet Union with dissadents or whistleblowers being locked up and drugged and given shock therapy and maybe lobotomies. Russell Tice was smeared with having his sanity questioned and unfortunately, Congress does not seem to be interested in what he has to say on the dangers to American citizens of the NSA programs we DON'T know about. Sibyl Edmond's Whistleblower group:

NSWBC Members Speak Out – March 14, 2006

Dzakovic, Bogdan, Former Red Team Leader, FAA
Elson, Steve, Veteran Agent, FAA
Gonzalez, Sandalio, Ret. Special Agent in Charge, DEA
Goodman, Melvin A., Former Senior Analyst/ Division Manager, CIA
Rempfer, Thomas L., Major (Current)
Tice, Russell, Fmr. Senior Intelligence Analyst & Action Officer, NSA

=...In closing, I refer to Army Pamphlet 600–2, The Armed Forces Officer, read by Military Officer Candidates from West Point to Annapolis. This pamphlet lists "Fundamental Propositions" that have guided professional military officer development since 1775. Ironically, the 13th proposition reads: "Within our school of military thought, higher authority does not consider itself infallible. Either in combat or out, any time a situation arises where a majority of military-trained Americans become undutiful, that is a very good reason for higher authority to resurvey its own judgments, disciplines and line of action." Clearly we only witness whistleblowers in our government because those in the service of our nation have astutely followed the training of their leaders, attempting to do their duty for their country...

Yet despite all our ethical training, our risk management education, and our decision-making process guidance, it is not surprising that human nature creates a cultural tendency for Departments and Agencies in our government to not thoroughly investigate high-level wrongdoing related to policies or programs perceived to be critical of the institution. That's why we need our Congress to perform effective oversight....
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MADem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 02:27 PM
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2. More than half of the New York kids, eh?
That's taking the Red Sox-Yankees rivalry a bit far, I'm thinking....
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