Another Day for the BUSHCO Media - Lead off stories at 2:00p.m.
Vinnie From Indy
(1000+ posts)
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Tue Mar-21-06 02:07 PM
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Another Day for the BUSHCO Media - Lead off stories at 2:00p.m. |
The three cable news channels are once again showing their knickers. The lead off stories after Bush's disasterous Q&A today reflect their unshakable allegiance.
MSNBC 2:00 lead story - Bush press conference. the funny thing is that they only showed a 10 second snippet of Smirky talking and then went to an interview with Jim VanderHei. While discussing the Q&A with VanderHei they ran images of burning trucks and other scary pictures. VanderHei did an excellent job of covering.
CNN - Australia's hurricane damage.
Faux - Iraqi Prison Break - Scary visuals of brown skinned people running to and fro and holding weapons.
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