Sorry, had to post this as testimony to my frustration with the messages these fanatics spew. But this one irks me to no end. What is it with these people? Most of this is just plain drivel. But this is your neighbor, your boss, co-worker, the school bus driver, whatever. This is that 30% that will support Bush & Co. no matter.
Three Year War in Review
Today I reflect back and think how proud I am to be an American! I think about how close we came to having a Democrat run this country in a time of war. These people are not loyal and would have made a disaster of the war in Iraq.
After voting for the war (including Democratic control in the Senate at the time), the first month of being in Iraq the Democrats were already calling it a "quagmire." They wanted out. These are the same people that argued that Kerry was not a flip-flopper. I'm sure they couldn't have stayed the course in Afghanistan either. Little things scare them and they have no loyalty to America, what it stands for, or the people that make up this great country. When things get a little tough they want to cut and run like cowards. Make no mistake about it, they are cowards and not patriotic.
The Democrats always question their decisions. They decided what we should do then with great fanfare told us why we should go to war, then voted on it, but when WMD wasn't found, they were ready to abandon Iraq. Yeah, we got the answer. Even if they had WMD and we destroyed all of it, why in the world would we leave? Only to a Democrat does that make sense and that is the very reason they can't be trusted to run this country.
If we elected Democrats today, they would turn their back on our allies, let Iran build nukes and attack whom ever they wish and when that time would occur, as it certainly would, America would be taken down to their knees but this time it wouldn't be students but a direct nuclear threat to much more than just a few World Trade center buildings.
I think it is so easy to see the quality of the character where the Democrats have evolved. These are not decent people as a whole. They couldn't or wouldn't protect the country. They would allow our troops to leave and watch the slaughter of every Iraqi that ever helped an American, got paid by an American or supported America in any way. That is their loyalty and speaks volumes of their decency. This is why they were so quickly to defend Clinton as they really don't understand quality of an individual. A persons integrity, decency, loyalty, respect are all tied together. They are the first to pretend they care about the safety of troops in Iraq. Those old enough to remember the Vietnam war know this self-serving claims all too well. Ditto the little children and women of Iraq. We abort so many children in the USA in one year that our troops would have to stay in Iraq for 1,951 years to suffer the same number of fatalities. Half of these abortions happening for the second time and many happening for the "fifth" time. And what happens, they go nuts with fear that one of these qualified Supreme Court justices will be put on the court that won't legislate from the bench.
We should think our lucky stars that George Bush is our president. The war could have gone better but we know for a fact it would have been a terrible disaster if they would have be leading this war.
Democrats are not to be trusted; are dangerous for America; have only their self-serving interest as priority; and has been shown to be weak on defense for decades. We can not let these people get elected to any of our governmental position. It is imperative for our survival and for this great nation's survival to vote them out of office. Do all you can to stop these tramps from getting any power at any level of our government., I'm sorry for posting the above filth, which is what my response was to this person's hate speech prolix: "filth"
But, I always think it's wise to know what the opposition looks like.