Rant alert: :rant::rant::rant:
I signed up with local and national chapters of the RNC so that I could get their e-mails and literature-- and keep an eye on the official propaganda.
This quoted language, below, was part of the most recent e-mail that I received from the Chairman of Harris County Texas's RNC. The LIES and MISREPRESENTATIONS coming out of the RNC drive me bat-shit crazy.
Democrats Offer More Hypocrisy on National Security
NSA wire taps, port security, the PATRIOT Act - these are all dirty words to national Democrats, but key terms to fighting the war on terror. And while Republicans fought to pass the PATRIOT Act earlier this month and strike a deal that will ensure our port security remains in our hands, the Democrats are holding publicity stunts.
Now Senator (read - presidential candidate) Russ Feingold is rounding up his fellow Democrats to censure the president for using all tools available to fight the war on terror, including tapping into terrorist phone calls. This political maneuver is another sign of how low they will go to get their names in the paper, and how desperate they are to be back in power. And we need to get the truth out. <snip>
Excuse me, but NO ONE objects to wire tapping terrorists! We just want the FISA laws-- which are very lenient-- observed! If Bush can choose to ignore those laws, what other important laws and Constitutional principles can he choose to ignore? Surveillance is just the start. Will we have concentration camps for American "dissidents" in a few years? Will we have extra-judicial killing? We will if we have an Executive Branch whose power cannot be checked.
And I thought that DEMS were on the anti-terrorist side of the port deal.
And God bless Russ Feingold for calling BushCo on its illegal activities. Shame on anyone who looks away from Bush's crimes and pretends they don't matter.
And I hate the way these misrepresentations are intended to make Democrats out as villains, traitors, cowards, self-interested political careerists and/or idiots when that is clearly not the case. In fact, quite to the contrary.