This must be the new talking point,blame the media. More reporters have been killed in Iraq than any conflict since WWII. Yet Ingraham sez stuff like:
"I think....with all the resources of NBC, the Today Show spends all this money to cover the Olympics...all this money on where in the world is matt lauer..bring the today show to Iraq...when you see the villagers, talk to the children, then I want NBC to (not) report only on the IED's, only on the killings....instead of reporting from hotel balconies about the latest IEDs going off."
Here's Rep.John Conyers take on this.
Every once in a while you see something on the network morning shows that makes you spit out your milk. This morning, on NBC's Today show, White House correspondent David Gregory, apparently subbing for Matt Lauer, opened a segment entitled: "Are Americans Getting a Fair Picture of What is Happening in Iraq.";_ylt=A86.I1uzMyBETJUAgRD9wxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--The war in Iraq has proved to be the deadliest for journalists since World War II. A total of 86 journalists and media assistants have been killed in Iraq since the war began on 20 March 2003. This is more than the number killed during 20 years of war in Vietnam or the civil war in Algeria.