Below are some snippets of an article from a RW source I monitor. Scary pseudo-scientific BS. Sex is the cause of all of the problems in America, did you know that? Sexual Liberty vs. American Liberty . The Politics of God, Family, and Country
Posted: March 21 2006 By Alisa Craddock<snip in a few paragraphs to the unsavory meaty bits> Late last year, Larry Jacobs, Vice President of the World Congress of Families, spoke to leaders of several pro-family organizations at the Family Research Council (in preparation for the upcoming meeting of the WCF in 2007) about the war being waged by liberals against what WCF Founder, Allan Carlson, refers to as the “natural family” (a father and mother with one or more children living and growing up together in one home). Don Feder, the WCF’s Media Director, compares the current fight against anti-family forces to the cold war to defeat communism throughout the world. He believes that if the rest of the world surrenders to the anti-family push, America will not be able to hold out against it – the same “manifesto” employed by the Communists during most of the last century to spread their ideology throughout the world. Destruction of faith and family was a key element, in fact, in the advance of communism in the Soviet Union, and persists today in the promotion of its kissin’ cousin, socialism, by various organs of the United Nations, chiefly the IPPF, UNESCO, the UNFPA, and others. In the last year it does seem that they have stepped up their efforts to bully the world into getting in line with their goals.
Liberal anti-family groups both at home and abroad continue to promote the idea that pro-family groups are “radical” and “reactionary”, that the traditional family is regressive, and traditional morality is perverse and oppressive (using words like “heteronormative,” “heterosexist,” and “sexual fascism” to demonize what they present as unhealthy social attitudes, with efforts being made to turn political and social dissent into a hate crime. It’s quite a coup, really, to make what is normal and wholesome sound evil and backward, while perversity is promoted as “diversity”. It rather reminds me of the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Shall we take a closer look at those clothes?<snip> Unwin’s purpose was to study through inductive methods of research the assertion by the psychologists of his day that “when social regulations forbid direct satisfaction of the sexual impulses, the emotional conflict is expressed in another way, and that what we call ‘civilisation’ has been built up by compulsory sacrifices of the gratification of organic desires.” His research into this hypothesis showed that there was indeed a direct correlation between sexual opportunity and cultural condition. So consistent were the findings, in fact, that “if we know what sexual regulations a society adopted,” he asserted, “we can prophesy accurately the pattern of its culture.” What he found was that those civilizations that had strict regulation of sexual activity thrived, grew, produced and expanded. Those with less sexual regulation had less developed civilizations, and those in which the inhabitants were totally free to engage in sexual activity of any kind never progressed at all, but remained stagnant. Further, those civilizations which went from no sexual regulation to strict regulation of sexual activity advanced proportionately, while those that went from strict regulation to complete abandonment of sexual mores collapsed within about three generations. The findings were universal and consistent, no matter where the civilization, no matter what the race. There were no exceptions. “In human records,” he noted, “there is no instance of a civilization retaining its energy after a complete new generation has inherited a tradition which does not insist on prenuptial and postnuptial continence.” Prenuptial continence and monogamous marriage (especially where it was imposed on both sexes) produced the greatest social energy, the greatest advancement. The level of freedom of sexual activity determined exactly how far the civilization progressed in consistent and measurable ways. “The factors responsible for the cultural condition of any society, or for that of any group within the society, came into operation at least a hundred years before” he asserted. “The full effect of an extension or limitation of sexual opportunity cannot be culturally realized before the third generation.” It was observed also that the behavior of women had a greater influence than that of the men because the children spent most of their formative years with their mother.<snip to the part that will make you want to scream> The most important step in regaining control of our culture and our country is to overturn Roe v. Wade, to outlaw abortion and reestablish a view of our rights as God-given, and return to Constitutional principles. The introduction of the contraceptive pill (which is an abortifacient) launched the sexual revolution in earnest. Abortion was an inevitable link in the chain. (Over 50% of abortions are performed on women or girls who were using some method of contraception.) Removing the abortion link would direct the behavior of women toward continence. It is women who must take the lead in making this happen. It must happen to restore the family, without which our culture cannot survive. Reversing Roe v. Wade would also once again compel men to share in the responsibility for their conduct and its consequences, but also restore them to their proper role in family life (a role deeply undermined by radical feminism). If the political and legal organs of our country do not support it, we must reclaim our heritage ourselves. We must be bold enough to point out that the king isn’t wearing any clothes. We must speak up in such great numbers that even the meekest among us will be bold to speak the truth, and the gainsayers will be put to shame.Here's the whole article, if you can stomach it. Not for the weak at heart. http://www.alainsnewsletter.com/article.php?id=221Fucking theocrats. We are in big, big trouble as a nation.