You can help displaced Katrina victims vote
Posted by helderheid
Mon Mar 20th 2006, 10:21 PM
Displaced Louisiana voters need your help.
"If you are a registered voter of Louisiana who has been displaced as a result of Hurricane Katrina or Rita, you are eligible to vote in your home parish if you have not registered to vote in another parish or state."
- Louisiana Secretary of State Al Ater
Help us get this message to displaced Louisianans in your city or state. Thousands of evacuees have moved several times since disaster struck their homes. Your local knowledge may be the only way for us to reach them.
Louisiana's primary election is scheduled to take place on April 22, 2006, and general election on May 20, 2006. There are also other local elections taking place this spring. Many changes have been made to Louisiana voting laws, dates, and polling places as a result of the hurricanes.
Time is very short. We need you to reach displaced voters with the information they need as soon as possible.
For information on how you can help, including handouts you can download and photocopy, visit our website at . additional information, visit the Louisiana Elections Displaced Voters webpage at , email at:, or call 1-800-833-2805. you,
Dot Wirth
Common Cause Louisiana