To: National & State Desks
Contact: Peter LaBarbera, 630-546-4439, www.StopTopinka.com
NAPERVILLE, Ill., March 21 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Peter LaBarbera is the founder of StopTopinka.com, a website that uses online video to expose IL-GOP gubernatorial candidate Judy Baar Topinka’s annual participation in Chicago “gay pride” parades. LaBarbera says the site has succeeded in educating hundreds of thousands of Illinois voters about her radical, pro-homosexual record.
StopTopinka.com sent mass e-mails statewide highlighting two Chicago “Gay Pride” parades in which Topinka enthusiastically participated: a 2005 parade that featured lewd conduct on floats, and a 2004 parade in which two men engaged in a heinous homosexual sex act on the street—directly in front of Chicago police, who stood by and did nothing.
Click HERE to view the 2004 footage and HERE to see the 2005 video of Chicago’s “Gay Pride” parade. WARNING: neither video—especially the 2004 parade footage—is appropriate for children—yet children marched with adults at both “pride” parades.
“I’ve heard from scores of pro-family Republicans who had no idea that Topinka was so far out of the mainstream on homosexuality until they watched a StopTopkinka.com video online,” LaBarbera said. “Many of these same Republicans now say they will not vote for the ‘pro-choice’ Topinka—even if she wins the Illinois Republican primary
—because she would use her influence to advance a liberal social agenda that undermines traditional Republican values supporting marriage and family.”
All across America, LaBarbera said, Republicans are tempted to embrace the pro-homosexual agenda—even as they profess fealty to the conservative national Republican platform. These candidates usually move rightward during GOP primaries, as Topinka did in Illinois—downplaying her close relationship with Rick Garcia, the state’s top homosexual activist who recently angered Catholics by blasting respected Chicago Cardinal Francis George as a ‘bigot.’”
LaBarbera encouraged pro-family activists to use the Internet to get out the truth about hypocritical liberal candidates.
“Most of the big Chicago media companies march in the same shameful ‘gay pride’ parades as Topinka, so we couldn’t trust them to get this message out,” LaBarbera said. “So we just did it ourselves. Most people would never have known about the shocking behavior that is ‘tolerated’ at these ‘gay’ parades, but they do now thanks to StopTopinka.com.”
StopTopinka.com is a private informational project created by concerned Illinois citizens; it is not affiliated with any political party, candidate or public policy organization. StopTopinka.com, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.