Edited on Wed Mar-22-06 11:42 AM by Dr. Jones
This is SO MINDBLOWING. Why is Bush still in office? Why is there no OUTCRY from the public that this man be impeached? Consider the following:
Illegal war - PREVENTIVE attacks (Iraq) on a country that has never even threatened us is forbidden under the laws of our country AND International Law as well.
Illegal torture - the Gonzales memos clearly outline how this Administration made a clear and distinct effort not only to undermine, but to altogether ignore the Geneva Conventions in order to allow for torture of prisoners of war.
Illegal wiretapping of U.S. Citizens without FISA court warrants.
Continues to consolidate more and more power in the Executive Branch, a clear breach of our system of checks and balances. Makes key decisions, including going to war with whomever he chooses, without consent of Congress.
Has threatened our rights to privacy, freedom of specch, and the right to peaceful protest through the hideous, draconian Patriot Act.
Lied about WMDs in Iraq; changed war rationale from WMD to "Saddam the evildoer" to "Free the Iraqis" by giving them democracy.
Lied about "not having any idea the leeves would breach" in New Orleans. Told everyone not to point fingers but then sent the dogs out to attack state & local officials. Continues to lie about the "effective" government response to Katrina victims and the "speedy" recovery of the Gulf Coast areas.
Lied about not having any idea planes could be hijacked and used as weapons to crash into buildings.
Lied about duration of Iraq war; first says "Mission Accomplished" and "major military operations have ended," then says "We have no timetables for withdrawl," then YESTERDAY says withdraw will be "for future Presidents to decide!" A clear BAIT and SWITCH! Presidents generally know that once they start a war even Congress is historically hesitant to pull out "too soon." HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS GETTING US INTO. HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS SENDING OUR BRAVE MILITARY MEN AND WOMEIN INTO...A SINKING MORASSE WHERE "WINNING" IS NOT THE OBJECTIVE!
Continues to lie about the situation in Iraq, it is dire!
Lies about the economy and ignores the cries of the struggling middle class. Cuts programs that help the poor. Cares NOT about the average person.
Put our national security in jeopardy through a deal that would have allowed a state-owned company who has harbored and financed terrorism (UAE) to take charge of our port operations, which we have found out DID in fact include security. Continues to allow an open border with Mexico where thousands of terrorists have come into our country, along with dangerous street gangs such as MS-13.
Made a nuclear deal with India that would essentially wipe out years of hard work building and maintaining the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Not only would it nullify this treaty, it would also create a new arms race!
Continues to claim his immigration policies don't amount to amnesty. But if it walks like a duck...damn straight that's EXACTLY what it is!
Claims that it's good to have illegals in our country doing the work American's "WON'T" do. A slap in the face and an insult to every hard-working American out there who would be HAPPY to pull onions and do WHATVER IT TAKES just to pay the bills and get food on the table!
Now I could go on and on and on ad-infinitum. But I think you get the point. So given all that Bush has done illegally - all that he's overtly lied about - all that he's deceived the public on - WHY is he not IMPEACHED?