news: NOW deals blow to Casey and endorses Sandals
Pennsylvania, we have a primary. This morning, the National Organization for Women held a press conference to announce the group is shunning the pro-life U.S. Senate pick of the Democratic party bosses, state treasurer Bob Casey Jr., and backing one of the two upstarts on the race, Philadelphia attorney Alan Sandals. It's the first sign of open rebellion by a major element of the Democratic coalition against the decision to foist Casey upon the party's balky progressive base.
Here's what they said:
Because the 2006 Pennsylvania Senate race is so critical to women's rights, the National Organization for Women Political Action Committee has voted to endorse Democratic candidate Alan Sandals for the United States Senate. With so many of our rights at risk, and reproductive freedom on the line, the NOW PAC will invest both political resources and grassroots strength in the candidate we believe will best protect and advance our rights in the U.S. Senate.
good on NOW