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March 22nd in Iraq

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
brettdale Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-22-06 04:40 PM
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March 22nd in Iraq

March 22 (Reuters) - Following are security incidents in Iraq as of 2035 GMT on Wednesday.

U.S. and Iraqi forces have been battling a Sunni Arab insurgency against the Shi'ite- and Kurdish-led interim government. The bombing of a Shi'ite shrine on Feb. 22 has been followed by a surge in sectarian attacks.

Asterisk denotes a new or updated item.

*BAGHDAD - Gunmen shot and killed at least 13 Shi'ite pilgrims aS they returned from a religious festival south of Baghdad. Some of those who managed to escape the initial attack were shot as they fled, police said.

BASRA - A roadside bomb struck a British patrol killing a civilian and wounding a British soldier in southern Basra 550 km (340 miles) south of Baghdad, the British military said.

BAGHDAD - Two pilgrims were killed when gunmen opened fire on group of pilgrims heading to the holy site of Kthimiya, ministry of national security stated.

BAGHDAD - Gunmen ambushed a bus carrying Shi'ites pilgrim returning from the Arbain mourning ritual in Kerbala, killing one and wounding 18, police said.

BAGHDAD - Police found three bodies with their hands bound and gunshots to the head in central Baghdad, police said.

BAGHDAD - Four bodyguards for the electricity minister were wounded when gunmen ambushed their convoy as they headed to the airport to pick up the minister, police said.

BAGHDAD - Gunmen attacked a police station in Madaen town, about 40 km (25 miles) southwest of Baghdad, with rocket propelled grenades and mortar bombs, killing a police commander and three policemen and wounding six, police said.

BAGHDAD - Two police commandos were wounded when a roadside bomb exploded near their patrol in southern Baghdad, police said.

BAGHDAD - Two policemen were killed and one wounded when gunmen ambushed their patrol as they headed to the scene of one of the pilgrim attacks, police said.

BAGHDAD - Police said they found three bodies with gunshot wounds to the head and with their hands bound in southern Baghdad.
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sabra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-22-06 04:41 PM
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1. just another day in Hell :-(
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