Edited on Wed Mar-22-06 07:20 PM by walldude
OK you want to quote some DU on your show here you go.
Everything you people have been saying is true. I AM THE MAN. I am so rich and so important that everything I say and do is part of a giant liberal plot to achieve one single goal. Impeach Bush. Cheney too. I hate them, I hate all of you as well. I am from the party of hate and smear. I lie, cheat and steal and will do or say anything to get America to follow me. I control the media, you can tell because every single day there are endless pictures of torture, dead innocent women and children, caskets with the bodies of American soldiers. Pictures of soldiers who have lost limbs, war torn cities, soldiers who are psychologically screwed up for the rest of their lives, you know, pictures of the reality and horror of war. You just can't turn on the TV or read the paper without seeing that stuff. I'm doing such a good job of controlling the media that you see stories every night about the thousands of homeless Vietnam Vets, you know those troops you so bravely support, well, until they get home that is. I have such a commanding position in the media that you keep hearing over and over every night stories about the PNAC, about the Carlyle Group, about the Bush's ties to Saudi Arabia, about how Bush contradicts himself in his press conferences, when he can manage to get out a coherent sentence. You can't escape the story's about how Bush lied in his response to the evil Helen Thomas's questions yesterday, I mean when I got up this morning the headline in my newspaper said "BUSH CONTRADICTS SELF, SAYS SADDAM KICKED OUT INSPECTORS, SAYS "NO PRESIDENT WANTS TO GO TO WAR" NEGLECTS TO MENTION SADDAM OFFERED TO SURRENDER A WEEK BEFORE THE INVASION". That headline was screaming from every rooftop. How do you fight that kind of insane truth? I am an invincible force that you losers are struggling against, I am everywhere all the time, you are swimming upstream to get your thoughts and opinions on the airwaves. It must be hard to get people to hear you when you only have a 4 hour radio show or 1 hour TV show on the air daily. I do sympathize with your plight. After all it's tough to support subversion of the Constitution and the ideals put forth by the founding fathers of this nation, when you are only on the airways 5 days a week. It's tough to make a case for giving up freedom when you are standing in the face of over 200 years of those crazy liberals and their Constitution. It must be especially draining to stand up for all those brilliant Conservatives, who are under investigation, or those already in prison. I mean what's a few bribes among friends, a little refund fraud, a little insider trading, a little illegal campaign contribution, everyone does it right? I have to give it to you people. You are so tough, and so righteous that it must be nearly impossible to live with people like me. We horrible liberals who want nothing more than to Impeach the man we hate so much. Not to mention the evil agenda we are pushing, equality, safety, health care for our families, a good strong economy, a country we can be proud of, peace, decent education, the freedom to control our own bodies, the freedom to worship who and when we want. When facing that kind of evil agenda I have to admit you guys are really brave to stand up to people like me. Feel free to keep up the fight against the crazy lefties, after all it's great being the underdog isn't it.