I woke up Tuesday smiling and realizing that the trainwreck which is about to happen to this administration is inevitable...the speech in Cleveland hit the ball out of the park..and then another pitiful press conference on Tuesday..cant tell you why i feel so confident that the momentum has reached sufficient speed...that was the point of NO return.. truly makes me giggly to think of the self humiliation this administrations supporters must endure to spin any thing positive about a bold faced liar ..knowing that they will have to eat those words one day...i cant tell you why the knowingness that they are toast makes me so happy.... up until now we've been REACTING to a most despicable situation...we havent had time to think about how this mess can get fixed..weve been busy just trying to figure out what was happening and what we could do to stop it... whats the vision?..it better be smart and interesting and genuine,or its not gonna work...we're suspicious now and a lot wiser..dinos are history...a political cult created an international and domestic nightmare for every american..and that group is on their way out..i know that...i knew it Tuesday..its been a little over 6 months since Camp Crawford and Katrina, and you all know that we were in the twilight zone of a silent and unquestioning media and a dummied down citizentry..that has changed .er, is changing....now what?.....even a few months ago there was a despair here that has lifted..
i think we've moved along enough to start addressing how to fix this horrible mess...whatever happened with Bunny Greenstreet..maybe we could put her back to work stopping halliburtons no bid contracts?...these guys and gal are gonna get tried for war crimes, torture and breaking the geneva conventions among other things...and more..i bet...maybe we could try to get some of our money back from them?
its been difficult to think about how to fix the things that we've been trying to prevent from happening..unfortunately, we didnt succed in preventing the madness but we sure as hell have to acknowledge that we've got problems now...maybe we should start by telling the world that we are sorry?...