Or more specifically, about how to light a fire under the Congressional Democrats who aren't Feingold, Boxer, Harkin, or Conyers.
I was thinking the other day, you know, we normally assume that someone who's a leader will be braver than the people he or she is leading. I mean supposedly that's what leadership requires, along with intelligence--the willingness to get out in front and chart the course. The problem we have at this moment is that not only are our leaders _not_ braver than we are, they are actually _less_ brave. I am willing to bet that most of us here on DU have at least one story about standing up to someone who had power over you because you thought that was the right thing to do, and then dealing with the consequences. Certainly we all have experience with speaking out even though it's going to make us unpopular and lead to our being accused of being unpatriotic traitorous liberal types what oughta be shot.
I was thinking maybe I would write to my Democratic senator--Evan "The Face" Bayh--and tell him my most recent story about taking a risk to take a stand, and wind it up by saying, "I took a stand--now it's your turn. Support Feingold's censure resolution."
I dunno. Maybe realizing that they are weaker, more frightened, and more cowardly than the people they're supposed to be leading would shame them into doing their jobs. Then again, maybe it wouldn't. At any rate, I do wonder what would happen if every day these guys went into work there was another batch of letters there from ordinary constituents telling them what _they_ have done to try to stop the slide this country is on, and asking them to at least be _as_ brave as the people who pay their salaries.
Who knows,
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