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Hamsher on Lieberman and Brady -- lots happening in the "woodshed"

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 11:27 AM
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Hamsher on Lieberman and Brady -- lots happening in the "woodshed"
Edited on Thu Mar-23-06 11:30 AM by understandinglife
First, Joementum:

"Lieberman Taken to Connecticut Woodshed — Again"

Yesterday Joe Lieberman berated local Connecticut columnist and radio host Colin McEnroe about taking a comment "out of context" and badgered him to read the whole speech.

I’m not sure he’ll be happy he made the suggestion. McEnroe follows up:

So I did read the speech. And what did I find?

The speech, overall, is an exercise in self-massage. It congratulates Lieberman for being Lieberman. It urges everyone else to be … more Lieberman.

I sought out what Lieberman said was the key paragraph, the one that followed his undermine Presidential credibility at our nation’s peril line. It’s worthwhile to read the two paragraphs in sequence.


More at the firedoglake link:

And, now it's Jim Brady's turn to be spanked:

An Open Letter to Jim Brady: Who is Augustine?"

Dear Jim,

We need to talk.

We’ve had our moments in the past but I’m worried about you, man. This is bad. Really bad.

I know it must’ve been damned near impossible to resist hiring some warmongering punk who ought to be in Iraq himself to sling proxy mud on those liberal bloggers who have beaten you like a rented mule, especially when you learned his old man was up to his elbows in Jack Abramoff.

But you’re supposed to be the go-to online guy for the Post, right? Isn’t it your job to know the ins and outs of the "fever swamp?" It’s not exactly an online secret that Red State is a bastion of racism, and Box Turtle Ben is one of the founders. But did you not do any due diligence and look at the guy’s history? The Hotline Blogometer’s William Beutler — a conservative DC blogger himself who would presumably know — has identified Ben as the "Augustine" of Red State. You need to step up and say if this is true or not, Jim. Right now.


More good stuff at the link:

Joe and Jim, a bit of advice - your done. Accountability is a whole new experience for you guys and you'd probably prefer someone just whacking your butt instead of calling you out for millions of folk to learn what crummy, slimy dudes you really are.

Be The Bu$h Opposition - 24/7

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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 12:12 PM
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1. "I know you don’t want to admit to your bosses what a big deal this is,
... Jim, but we both know it, don’t we?

At a time when the Washington Post is cutting its news room staff by 10%, did you really hire a guy who said of your most popular columnist "Dan Froomkin is without question a lying weasel-faced Democrat shill"? You need to answer this and you need to answer it now Jim.

Listen to Jane, Jim. She's trying to save your job as well as keep whatever aspect of WaPo's reputation that's not already shit-stained from being fouled.

Be The Bu$h Opposition - 24/7
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