Edited on Thu Mar-23-06 04:19 PM by maxrandb
I hate to sound like a broken record. This must be my 4th or 5th post on the "righteous indignation" and "victimization" of the Republicans. I personally think the Dems are foolish if they don't exploit this in the next election. The Repukes like to portray themselves as the "manly-man" party, but in word, and in deed, they are nothing more than the neighborhood bully. Smack 'em between the eyes, and they cry like a little girl and pee themselves. No offense to the ladies intended.
Here are just a few recent examples of Repukes playing the "Victim Card".
- War in Iraq going to hell in a hand-basket? It's the media's fault.
- American unable to save enough? According to VP Cheney, "it's the people's fault". They should save more.
- Supremes don't rule the way they want? It's the "liberal" (7 of 9 appointed by Repuke Presidents) Supreme Court justices fault.
- President doing poorly in the polls? It's, again, the media's fault.
- Government just increased the debt ceiling to $9,000,000,000,000.00? It's the out of power minority Democratic Party's fault.
- Seniors not running in droves to sign up for the piece of crap Medicare Prescription Drug plan? It's the stupid seniors fault.
They are finally showing themselves for what they are. Whiny, crying, hide behind my mama's apron chickenhawks.
Someone needs to make that point...and make it nationally.