and have been covered by an obsequious, fawning press, and still cling tightly to their role of martyr. They screech and howl, claiming to be the battered victim of a non-existent barrage of negative press. They are truly pathetic in their phony righteous indignation.
They are like the current crop of CEOs, who demand higher and higher salaries, while shafting their employees. It's never enough for them, not the money, or the favorable press, or sharing a tiny fraction of wealth with Americans who are losing ground with every passing day.
Oh, yes, they are so misunderstood, and so mistreated. That's why Faux news exist, solely to make public the constant messages of death and injuries coming out of Iraq. That's why they hold the pResident's feet to the fire, and politely point out the inconsistencies in his statements...Saddam refused to let the weapon's inspectors in, he never linked 9-11 and Iraq, the massive tax cuts to the rich are making things better...that the economy is making us all better off...oh, how they grill him.
All I can add is what I said before; they are pathetic, whining, bigoted cry-babies, who have to have their way or else they throw enormous temper tantrums. They make me sick.