aarrrghhhhhh--- I know the little bushbots are clueless, but geeeeeeez.
Thanks to the wonderful people here at DU, I was directed to one of my favourite articles, titled "come back, clinton sex nation" Because I like watching little freeper heads explode, I posted it to a couple of my own boards. The following comments are from a woman who just adores *, who thinks kerry is a liar, and who is proud that her cousin is a halliburton mercenary in iraq (funny she hasn't mentioned him much since I pointed out that he was a killer-for-hire)
her comment:<<<<<<< I think it would be much nicer to be able to hold up our President as a mentor, as someone you would strive to be like, IMO I wouldn't want my son growing up to be the kind of man Bill Clinton was/is, adultry is something that I have no tolerance for. >>>>>>>>
my question: <<<<<< would you rather he grew up like the person currently in residence in the oval office? >>>>>>>
her response:<<<<<<<<Bush is a loyal loving husband and father, yes I'd rather my son was a loyal man, not a man that no one could trust, hurting his wife and child.>>>>>>
my response:<<<<<you think he is loving and loyal, and many others all over the world (including the majority in this country) think he is an uncaring, uninvolved, lying, greedy, rapacious, hate-and-fear-mongering murderer and pretender.
but, of course, your perception is your perogative.
(on edit, I will give you that he is loyal--loyal to all the corporate bloodsuckers and crooks who keep him in office)>>>>>>
would anybody like to jump in and comment--not that anything will sway her, we have been having this discussion for over a year now. but some new material would amuse me, if nothing else.
thank you in advance