Edited on Thu Mar-23-06 09:10 PM by Minnesota Libra
This idea came to me because the issue of waking up people in this country to what the government does in our name was posed in a slightly different manner on another thread. Then I read something dealing with illegal immigration and it got me to thinking how the two could be solved simultaneously. On thing for sure there won’t be any easy answers but that isn't to say there aren’t solutions to it all.
Now before anyone flames me into next week for what I’m going to say please at least take the time to read through this and think about it for a moment. Then give me your ideas and opinions.
Let me state right up front that I lived in an area of the west that in just ten years went from a 30% illegal alien population to over 60% illegal aliens. So I know first hand the problems the illegal alien issue poses. I’ve also seen what happens to a country when it’s citizens act like they couldn’t care less about voting or being involved in any way. As it sets now the only involvement many people have in their governmnt is to complain when things get terribly out of hand, as they have now.
The one and only way to wake Americans up, make them want to get involved in bettering our country, and continuously keep them interested is to expand on the idea of “for every action there is a reaction”.
First we start with securing our borders and enforcement of the illegal alien issue. We begin by erecting reinforced fences along our northern and especially the southern borders of our country, and surround those fences with a “no man’s land”. From there we institute laws that would give illegal aliens the chance to earn their citizenship with service in our military. For example, if normal military enlistment is four years then an illegal alien would serve a minimum of six years in some branch of our military, become fluent in English, have required knowledge of our governmental system and would be eligible for citizenship after the military service. If an illegal alien wants to bring family members to this country, after they have become a citizen themselves, that would require additional military service per person.
Meanwhile we reintroduce the mandatory draft/government service for everyone between the ages of 18 to 30 (ages would be set by law). There would no doubt be a whole lot of conscientious objectors all of a sudden and that could be accommodated very easily. All conscientious objectors could be required to serve in a “peace corps” or National Guard type organization, as armed border guards (more on this in a moment), back up the National Guard in their home state, work as forest fire fighters, work in low-income health clinics, or any number of other areas of life.
Armed border guards wouldn’t necessarily carry guns but instead could carry stun guns. Loaded guns would require gun safety classes by private or government certified instructors, and only after back ground checks and being certified by TWO different instructors, would guns be issued to the person in question.
Regardless of how the person chooses to do this required government service it would have NOTHING to do with income level or education level, but instead would involve anyone and EVERYONE in the US between the ages set by law. Length of service could be the same as it is for active military personnel or whatever time the law required.
Anyone refusing to officially serve in some capacity for the required length of time would be denied student loans, a drivers license, Social Security benefits, home loans, credit cards, personal loans, and any other number of social benefits. Payment for all this service would be no more than minimum wage and half of that would go in a savings account available to the person when their government service ended.
Those doing this service would be provided all required training, health care for the length of service, housing if need be, clothing, transportation, and whatever else was needed at tax payer expense. At least six months of this required service would involve working in some election-oriented capacity. The service could be something such as working with candidates from at least two different political parties, as an election official, or in other such capacity.
With a program like this we would have an adequate military, a chance for illegal aliens to earn citizenship, we could properly secure our borders, and we’d have a much better chance of creating life-long involved citizens in this country.
Now, I realize none of this can be viewed as the PERFECT SOLUTION, but there really aren’t any perfect solutions. So if you disagree with me tell me why you disagree AND ALSO TELL ME how you’d handle all of it at the same time. Keep in mind I’m talking about the illegal alien issue and the issue of involved citizens in this country. So let’s try to stay on issue here.
Let’s face it we're liberals, we can figure this out!!
edited to add: see additional note below per readers suggestions.