Online Buzz Benefits Lamont
Lieberman Joust Fuels Bloggers, Spurs Donations To Foe
March 24, 2006
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman dropped his usual air of imperturbability during a drive-time radio appearance Wednesday, snapping at the host over a column criticizing the senator and backing his challenger, Ned Lamont.
Six years ago, when Lieberman last ran for re-election, his comments would have had the shelf life of an ice-cream cone. But on Thursday, they only grew louder, amplified by Internet bloggers.
Whether the avuncular senator truly "lost it" is debatable, but Lieberman's jousting with radio host and columnist Colin McEnroe undeniably was high-test fuel for the blogs - and, apparently, money in the bank for Lamont....
But Lamont's anti-war challenge of Lieberman for the Democratic nomination is a notable exception, drawing attention from a national audience dissatisfied with President Bush and his conduct of the war in Iraq....