to the various Constitutions that want to discriminate in the name of protecting the sanctity of marriage.
I've been saying that we need to do bigger, more visible things to point out the hypocrisy of saving marriage from the homos when over 50% of the current ones are ending in divorce.
Now, the Pro-Family Charitable Trust is looking for worthwhile projects to fund in support of their mission as announced in the wing-nut daily news. Take a look at their stated mission: do we mean by "pro-family"?We believe that the natural family was created by God to be the starting place and model for all human relationships. The natural family is one man and one woman and their children by birth or adoption, or the surviving remnant thereof. Marriage is God's institution to protect the natural family from forces such as promiscuity which would otherwise destroy it. To be pro-family is to actively promote and protect the natural family as the foundation of human society and culture.
What types of projects does the PFCT fund?PFCT grants are used to promote grassroots pro-family activism, and thus priority is given to projects which show promise not only to accomplish a specific goal, but to inspire others to become more active in the local community. One project approved for funding by the ATM board is a national effort to organize conservative student clubs in public high schools. The young leaders of this project are dedicated to opposing political-correctness on high-school campuses and have already formed student groups in several states.
It would seem pretty basic that a non profit with the stated goal of eliminating Divorce once and for all would fit hand in glove and be eligible for funding.
But the reality is that the grant requests would be denied - these people don't give a rat's ass about protecting families - what they want is a respectable way to bash gays for power and profit! And the Right wingers keep it stirred up to drive the fearful flocks to the polls - which gets more RePugs elected. They're going to try to do it again in '06
We have to change the terms of the debate. Now. We need to find ways to point out that what they say and what they do doesn't match up. I'm tired of reading articles labeling these Bigots for Profit as pro-family groups - they aren't, they're anti-gay.
So, does anyone know how to set up a non-profit so we can make a grant funding request? Any PR types who know how to push the whole conversation into the media spotlight?