Bumper stickers count.
Driving into work to day I came up behind a van. Three bumper stickers. The Kerry sticker was recognizable even from a distance. Its the same one we still fly on our vehicles. The other was bold enough lettering that even from distance I could make out HATCH (Mike Hatch, current Minnesota Attorney General, running for Governor).
The third was a mystery until we hit a stoplight and I could see that the sticker read:
What Would Wellstone Do? Accompanying the statement was a simple peace sign.
Some days, driving to work I feel pretty hopeless. Today was one of those days. BushCo** continues to get by with everything imaginable. Iraq in shambles. The after effects of Katrina. The housing bubble only un-popped in the eyes of the seriously deluded. More and more area light industry jobs being outsourced. Serious budget shortfalls and looming cuts at my own non-profit employment. Today was one of those days when I don't feel like my kids have much of a future to look forward to.
That bumper sticker, though, gave me a bit of hope. No, it doesn't solve a damn thing. But, it inspires me to keep thinking/living like Wellstone might. It lets me know that others out there are thinking the same.