I am SICK of Democrats who refuse to stand up to the bully in the White House.
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0323-12.htmPublished on Thursday, March 23, 2006 by the Associated Press
Jon Stewart Plugs Feingold's Censure Callby Frederic J. Frommer
WASHINGTON - Sen. Russ Feingold's call for censuring President Bush hasn't won much support in Congress, but he won a backer Wednesday: Jon Stewart, host of cable television's "The Daily Show."
Stewart poked fun at the tepid response that Feingold's proposal has generated on Capitol Hill. So far, only two senators, both Democrats, have signed on as co-sponsors.
"A lot of your Democratic colleagues are reacting as though you're Jack Abramoff and you have a casino you want to talk to them about," Stewart joked, referring to the disgraced lobbyist.
Feingold, who has accused his Democratic colleagues of "cowering," said it was important for the party to show some backbone.
"How many times are we going let George Bush and (Vice President) Dick Cheney say, 'You guys don't support the troops. You're not patriotic,' and let them push us around?" asked Feingold, whose appearance was via satellite from Milwaukee. "We have to stand up to them."
Stewart played a clip from a recent news conference of House Majority Leader John Boehner, in which the Ohio Republican said of Feingold, "Sometimes you begin to wonder if he's more interested in the safety and security of the terrorists as opposed to the American people."
This article provides a good response to Democratic Senators who make excuses for not supporting censure:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/glenn-greenwald/mythmaking-and-excusema_b_17689.htmlGlenn Greenwald
Myth-Making and Excuse-Making on the Feingold Resolution In order to generate further support for the Feingold Censure Resolution, numerous bloggers are encouraging everyone to pay an actual physical visit to their Senators' local offices in order to urge support for censure. Anyone doing so is likely to encounter the two primary myths/excuses which have been concocted by Senators and others in order to justify their refusal to support the Resolution.
They are both plainly false:
MYTH/EXCUSE NUMBER ONE: An investigation is needed before it can be known whether the President broke the law.This has become the favored weapon of evasion for most Democratic Senators. Most who have refused to take a position on the Feingold Resolution have used the excuse that there has to be a full investigation before they can know if censure is appropriate. We have heard this excuse from, among many others, Senators Salazar, Stabenow, Bingaman, Levin and Dodd. That is just a small sampling of the list of Democrats who have claimed not to be able to take a position on the Feingold Resolution until an "investigation" is conducted.
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MYTH/EXCUSE NUMBER TWO: Republicans want this scandal to persist because it benefits them politically.Ever since this scandal emerged, Republicans have been wallowing in the bravado of claiming that they "welcome" this scandal because it will benefit them politically, and they continue to engage in this chest-beating in the hopes that Democrats will be intimidated into walking away meekly from the President's law-breaking. Just yesterday, National Review's Senior Editor Ramesh Ponnuru boasted that Republicans were "delighted" by the Censure Resolution, and Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds gleefully linked to that item and smugly added: "Delight is pretty much all that I've observed." Many Democrats actually seem to be shaken by this sort of cheap and transparent self-defensive bluffing.
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