Reality Bites the Crusaders
By Pachacutec
Onward Christian Soldier. . .
Freedom is on the march?
Ehhh. . . not so much.
Tony Perkins, president of the theocratic Family Research Council, said some things on Hardball last night sure to make Unka Karl’s special muscles tighten. I’m giving you my own transcription from the video available at Crooks and Liars, because the official MSNBC transcript omits an interesting slip of the tongue (highlighted in italics):
We went over to relieve them of their oppression, set up another administration, another regime, (and) it appears now that (it) is just as hostile to religious freedoms, or just as hostile to human rights. <!---->We bear responsibility for that, and what is concerning, Chris, about this is that their constitution, in the wording of giving deference to Sharia law, is very similar to what is in the Iraqi constitution, and. . .
Let me be clear: I served in the Marine Corps. I reenlisted for the first Gulf War, but I would say that the resolve of the American people will not long stand if they know that they are giving their sons and dollars, their sons and dollars (sic)… daughters to die for just changing the names of regimes.
This is a HUGE story for the wingnut theocratic base of the corrupt Republican establishment. I won’t link to them, but they’re talking about it at hate sites like freerepublic and Redstate. Because of all the disaffection among members of its "governing" coalition, the foundations of the conservative establishment haven’t been weaker in decades.