Congressman Conyers:
Raw Story is reporting on the Justice Department's failure to provide meaningful answers to inquiries about the NSA's illegal warrantless wiretapping from Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, and even questions from Chairman Sensenbrenner.
Following a DoJ briefing earlier in the year, many Democratic Members of the Committee sought complete answers from the Department regarding its legal justifications for warrantless domestic wiretapping. Although we finally got a response, instead of answers we got evasiveness and obfuscation. The strategy to withhold details of the program is a clear indication that they are fearful of any meaningful oversight.
In spite of these attempts to mislead, we were able to discern a few interesting details. The Justice Department managed to reveal that the doctor-patient, attorney-client privacy protections were stricken in warrantless wiretapping. And, of course, they were not able to deny that no other previous Administration has authorized wireless wiretapping outside of FISA.
And, in other news: It appears that the Washington Post has (asked for?) accepted the resignation of Ben Domenech. After a three day run as the Post's right wing blogger, his history of plagiarism caught up with him. Too bad the Post didn't have the sense to pull the plug because of his lack of journalistic ability, or that he relies on vitriol and bombast in the absence of compelling prose. Big thanks to Media Matters and congratulations to everyone who wrote in to the Washington Post and demanded change. The netroots strike again! appears that the Washington Post has (asked for?) accepted the resignation of Ben Domenech. from Media Matters for America President David Brock on Resignation of Washington Post Blogger Ben Domenech