Edited on Fri Mar-24-06 08:20 PM by KoKo01
They participated with their lives and low wages in the Massive McMansion and Shopping Center build out in the US since the Chimp usurped the Presidency...and they lost lives (do a Google on Latino's/Hispanics killed on Construction job sites) and NOW Lou Dobbs and the Bushies WANT THEM OUT OF THE USA!!!
Crops can't be planted in huge parts of US (Gulf Coast and the fish processing plants, sugar cane and veggie farms) and the West is in a DROUGHT....WHO NEEDS THESE IMMIGRANTS!!!! THERE'S LITTLE WORK!
We have Mad Cow, Drought and Farmland Devastation along most of the Gulf Coast and Florida ...plus so much of Florida farmland and LA/Miss/Farmland was ALEADY lost to Development, Shopping Centers, McMansions and Casinos that there's not alot left to deal with for crops.
To say nothing for the Enviro Damage that's yet to be reported on...if ever it is.
SEND THE ILLEGALS AND LEGALS BACK! They aren't NEEDED ANYMORE IN BUSH AMERICA! We can survive on outsourcing to India....we don't need no more IMMIGRANTS!!!!! We are "winding back."
It's the Greenspan/Bernanke/Supply Side Reagonomics GONE WILD HERE!!!