A balance sheet for America's Iraq
By Sami Moubayed
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/HC25Ak03.htmlDAMASCUS - Three years after the US invasion of Iraq, one cannot but wonder how the Americans missed a golden opportunity to create a secure democracy in the country to replace the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.
Optimists in the Arab world, especially pro-Western and particularly pro-American Arabs, defended the United States until curtain fall, saying that it truly would root out terrorism from Iraq, and bring both stability and democracy to the Iraqi people.
Every one of those beliefs has been shattered - over and over again, since March 2003. As Iraq enters its fourth year since the war began, it is safe to ask: What has been achieved?
Apart from the downfall of Saddam, not a single achievement in Iraq is noteworthy. The country today is a "democracy" in civil war - a democracy where human life is being wasted, along with the dreams and security of the Iraqi people. Inasmuch as free elections are a great asset of which all oppressed people dream, they mean nothing if security is lacking.