If this immigration bullshit isn't the most obvious distraction tactic by the GOP, I don't know what is.
Undocumented workers aren't responsible for thousands of lives and billions of dollars being wasted in Iraq.
Despite what the Nativists tell you, undocumented workers aren't responsible for there being 45 million Americans without health insurance. The absence of a single-payer universal system is the issue. And don't feed me bullshit about how we're broke. The U.S. has the highest per capita GDP in the world. Dozens of poorer countries pay for universal health care. We just choose to give tax breaks to the super-rich instead.
Even the issue of jobs has more to do with anti-union laws, labor-hostile policies, and the lack of living wage laws than it does immigration, legal or illegal.
What the Republicans are doing is saying "ignore the mess the White House has created, there's a Mexican lookin'-fella over there, I bet he's illegal". Normalization of immigration laws is certainly an issue that needs to be addressed, but the vitriol being stirred up by the Republicans has nothing to do with sound policy. Instead it's their usual politics of hate based on division of natural allies, and in this case it comes with a pinch of race-baiting.
I'd say "let's keep our eyes on the ball" but DU has become so overrun with Lou Dobbs-style paleoconservatives, I'm not even sure we're all playing the same game anymore.