Edited on Sat Mar-25-06 02:08 PM by izzybeans
My comments are directed at him only becoming concerned about this recently and yes he consistently parses words between LEGAL AND ILLEGAL. As I said he is still no different than any upper class folk pointing the finger at the wrong source. exploitation is the hallmark of capitalist labor relations.
I KNOW what he says I watch it. I merely find him an empty windbag. I prefer my champions of the middle class to have some empirical muscle and historical imagination behind their diatribes.
I would simply ask him to focus his attention not on IMMIGRATION and labor(illegal or not) and focus on the inherent nature of EXPLOITATION in labor (legal or not). It is a theoretical difference and that part is not personal. He will then see its not the relationship between illegals and employers that is problematic (that is what his "free-market" system is all about). Wage deflation has nothing to do with ILLEGALS and everthing to do with the fact that our economy thrives and always has on class warfare. The middle class did very well for itself for about 30 years-but it then relinquished that power by having no choice but to start pumping its money into a consumer economy that now gives them diminishing returns. It became outflanked on all sides (in the workplace, at the doctor's office, in politics, etc.) during the Cold War and afterwords; about the same time words like union, liberal, and communist became synonyms. Migrant labor is and alway will be a part of the economy. And MIGRANT workers are exploited whether they are LEGAL or ILLEGAL, just as the middle-class has been all along, they just are now starting to realize it, as working class folks did during the Industrial Revolution; its just that now that the bandaids have been lifted (regulation) making ends meet has become an art at balancing debt (the hallmark of exploitation and an extremely solid form of social power).
Until he starts to broaden his understanding of exploitation I can not sit and cheer along as others on this forum just because Lou sometimes says something I agree with. Until that time I'll for the most part sit idle shaking may head. The anti-immigrant diatribes lately have just become too much for me to handle lately. If you feel wronged in anyway and feel that I lump you into that category, especially because you do not belong there, so I do apologize. Tis a function of the mood and an inescapable property of language. Because I am sure somewhere in my post I have used language that will unduly categorize something you identify with, and that is not my intent; because I do not think your post indicates anything of the sort...but...just in case...I do apologize.