The Cruel Seal Hunt Has Begun
Canada's annual seal hunt, the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals on the planet, began at dawn on Saturday. Even as you read this, fishermen are clubbing baby seals in the North Atlantic, just to earn a few extra bucks by selling seal skins. Last year, 98.5% of the seals killed were two months of age or younger -- and veterinary reports indicate that many seals have been skinned while still conscious and able to feel pain. Our ProtectSeals team is now in Canada, braving the frigid waters to document the hunt and show the world why this unconscionable cruelty must be stopped.
The sealers find baby seals and they club or shoot them for their fur. Some seals are skinned while still alive.
On the Heels of the Hunt
Vanishing ice and seals have prompted Canada’s government to relocate the hunt far to the east, where pockets of seals are reported to still be alive. With sealers on the move, our team is already redeploying, resolved to bear witness for the seals.
Read more & sign the petition to try to stop the hunt: