NBC Meet The Press
Secretary of State
Columnist, Washington Post
White House Correspondent, New York Times
Columnist, The National Journal
Editor, Cook Political Report
Columnist, Wall Street Journal
Chief Washington Correspondent, CNBC
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As the war in Iraq enters its fourth year, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will join us on this Sunday's "Meet the Press with Tim Russert" to discuss the future of the U.S. role in Iraq. She will also discuss continuing tensions over a nuclear ambitious Iran.
Then, will Bush's low poll numbers spell trouble for Republicans in November? What is the outlook for the remainder of the President's term in office? Insights and analysis from our political roundtable with David Broder of the Washington Post, Elisabeth Bumiller of the New York Times, Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report, and John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal and CNBC.
All coming up on "Meet the Press."
Tim Russert is moderator of "Meet the Press." Betsy Fischer is the executive producer. Michelle Jaconi and Rebecca Samuels are producers.
"Meet the Press" is seen from 9-10 a.m. EST in most markets. In Washington D.C. and New York City, the broadcast is seen from 10:30-11:30 a.m. EST.
** SAN DIEGO VIEWERS PLEASE NOTE, Meet the Press will air at a special early time this Sunday on KNSD. In the San Diego market, Meet the Press will air at 8:30 am local time. Meet the Press will air at its normal time in all other markets. **
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