Look at any "news" show and what do you see?
Divide & Distrust
All the nasty divisive stuff is bubbling up...can't you hear the burbling and oozing??
Immigration (racist undertones & all) is the headliner ..7 months before the election, the one thing that has to happen is for democrats to be put on the spot about this age-old issue.
Since we have been a country,(and before that) we have had northward immigration. If we built a 50 ft wall, they would build 55 ft ladders..
Immigration is an issue that republicans can win on...because as much as they pretend to "like Mexicans", everyone knows that "their" Mexicans are loyal toadies and are not rank and file "folks"..
BUT getting democrats to bite on this issue will hurt their standing in the hispanic communities and the republicans KNOW it..
Immigration is NOT a campaign issue, since NO ONE person's beliefs on the issue will make a bit of difference.. If it were an easy issue to "fix", it would have been done years ago.
It's an issue that just gets pushed onto the next congress and the next and the next.
Another pet issue that always gets people to divide up..abortion...Look at all the states (red ones) that are gleefully setting up SCOTUS cases and creating odd law to divide the voters ..
And just in case the media , still reeling from being hornswaggled over the war, continues on their path to finally start telling some truth, ...well... we have the "Poor-W-The-Media's-So-Mean" tour out there creating a new myth.. The Media is out to get him, and cannot be believed.. This one's right on schedule too, because if they are to steal another election ("the quad-fecta"), they must have people believing that the media is wrong..
The media is, after all, saying things like. "Democrats are leading".."Democrats might re-take congress".etc..
In order for the "steal" to work, the people must be prepared in advance to DISTRUST what the media says.
There are SEVEN months left...plenty of time for Karl to spin a new web..
So far the plan is working too. The media folks are trying harder than ever to "be fair", "be balanced", and are wasting lots of time trying to find "good stuff" to report, lest they continue to be attacked by the slime machine..
What they SHOULD be doing, is shining a light on the PLAN afoot, instead of thinking they can still have it both ways..
They tried that tack on the war, and it did not work out so well for them...
They should start out every report with ..." The adminsitration wants us to believe x-y-z-, and wants us to report ....
BUT we feel that the public needs to know about :
the environmental calamity approaching the sorry state of health care in America the vast numbers of people NOT even included in the unemployment reports the sad state of college financing the increasing of foreclosures the increasing interest rates the obesity crisis and its connection to "corporate-food" the gasoline crisis etc etc