Parents raise their children in their own Faith, be it Christian, Judaism, Muslim or whatever. These children attend school for 13 years (K thru 12), and are exposed to children of other religions. The parents have no problem with their children being exposed to these children of other religions and talking to them about it, because they know that their parental guidance is what is important, and they know that their child is being brought up "properly". Yet, in reality, some children change religions after they become adults. Some due to their own beliefs changing, some to marry someone of a different religion.
Despite this, these parents support the Right to Freedom of Religion. You never hear anyone (sane) calling for the ban of religions other than their own. Anyone that does cry for this is labelled a "nut" and "anti-American" and a biggot.
Now rewind the scenario.
These same children spend 13 years (K thru 12) exposed to children that are gay. The parents get upset about this, and claim their children are "in danger" from these children. Even though their child was raised by these parents for years, the parents feel that 5 minutes of exposure to a gay person will "turn their child gay". Yet, in reality, no one in the history of the earth has "turned gay". No amount of exposure to a gay person has ever turned a straight person gay. Ever.
Despite this, these parents support the ban on Gay Marriage. They are not called "nuts", "anti-American" or "biggots" for this insane belief.
Well, at least not by each other.