O'Brien, Star Tribune
If you can't beat Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, declare war on Helen Thomas. That seems to be the new White House strategy in selling the public on the Iraq war, which this week entered its fourth year. Who are you going to believe: Me or your lying eyes?
In repeated appearances this week President Bush, while being careful never to blame the media for the public's tumbling opinion of the war and his handling of it, blamed the media for the public's tumbling opinion of the war and his handling of it. See, in the president's eyes, the media only cover the troops killed by IEDs and the Iraqis killed by car bombs. And he has a point: You never read about the cars in Iraq that don't blow up.
"It's not rabbit season. It's not duck season. It's not even Whittington season," blogged Creature at the Reaction (1). "There is hunting going on and it's the media that needs endangered species status. ... After all, we know that if the Iraq war is lost, it's the media who lost it. Failed, over optimistic, incompetent policy had absolutely nothing to do with it."
Hugh Hewitt (2) didn't need to be converted to Bush's view. "American media is encouraging the enemy to hang on, just as it did in Vietnam. And if American media again succeeds in forcing America to withdraw from a strategic front, slaughter will follow, only this time it will not be confined to the war zone but will eventually, and perhaps very quickly, find its way to our country."