Clinton had congress for the first two years
the Gingrich smear campaign began as soon as Clinton took office, but culminated in the off year election of 94, with the Contract as its centerpiece. they didn't unveil it til about six weeks before the election're right about 'ad campaign', for sure. that's about the only thing the fascists are good at, besides destroying every good thing built up in 200 years of government
example, Gingrich's "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" winning control of Congress, Rep. Newt Gingrich (R.-Ga.) hasconstantly complained about "destructive" and "negative" coverage from the"liberal elite media."
For example, when asked on Nightline (11/29/94) about his reference to theClintons as "counter-culture McGoverniks," he first insisted that he hadbeen misquoted--"I used the term McGovernite, not McGovernik--it was one ofthose things that the Times picked up and therefore it's now history"(actually, at least four different newspapers--including the New YorkTimes--quoted Gingrich in their November 10 editions as calling theClintons "counter-culture McGoverniks.")--and then blamed the media forselective reporting: "I didn't say that to attack the president, I wasasked an analytic question. But because I am now the next speaker, I amlearning that everything I say has to be worded carefully and thoughtthrough at a level that I've never experienced before in my life."
In fact, the new speaker of the House--who once described his goal as"reshaping the entire nation through the news media" (New York Times,12/14/94)--has given a great deal of thought to the media and how tomanipulate them. One Newtonian axiom is "fights make news." (Boston Globe,11/20/94) Another skill he has taught to Republican candidates through hispolitical organization, GOPAC, is how to create a "shield issue" to deflectcriticism:
"A shield issue is just, you know, your opponent is going to attack you aslacking compassion," a GOPAC training tape advises. "You better find a goodcompassion issue where, you know, you show up in the local paper holding ababy in the neonatal center, and all you're trying to do is shield yourselffrom the inevitable attack."
But the clearest expression of Gingrich's philosophy of media came in aGOPAC memo entitled "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control." Distributed toGOP candidates across the country, the memo's list of words for Democratsand words for Republicans was endorsed by Gingrich in a cover letter: "Thewords in that paper are tested language from a recent series of focusgroups where we actually tested ideas and language." Next time you hearGingrich complain about media focusing on the negative, refer back to theselists.
the negative list......
Often we search hard for words to help us define our opponents. Sometimeswe are hesitant to use contrast. Remember that creating a difference helpsyou. These are powerful words that can create a clear and easily understoodcontrast. Apply these to the opponent, their record, proposals and theirparty.
decay... failure (fail)... collapse(ing)... deeper... crisis...urgent(cy)... destructive... destroy... sick... pathetic... lie...liberal... they/them... unionized bureaucracy... "compassion" is not enough... betray... consequences... limit(s)... shallow...traitors... sensationalists...
endanger... coercion... hypocrisy... radical... threaten...devour... waste... corruption... incompetent... permissiveattitudes... destructive... impose... self-serving... greed...ideological... insecure... anti-(issue): flag, family, child,jobs... pessimistic... excuses... intolerant...
stagnation... welfare... corrupt... selfish... insensitive... statusquo... mandate(s)... taxes... spend(ing)... shame... disgrace... punish(poor...)... bizarre... cynicism... cheat... steal... abuse ofpower... machine... bosses... obsolete... criminal rights... redtape... patronage