Using your thought to think aloud ..........
Let Holly Coors and Richard Mellon Scaife lose a few tax loopholes.
How did FDR ever Think Tank the New Deal with only a Cabinet, etc.???
Donate and get a tax deduction and a copy of Ann Coulter's latest book to help boost her sales.
I ran across a post about
the Panel set up 'to study' the war in Iraq ... the article says this panel will work with 3 Think Tanks ... wonder which ones??? Who gets to choose them? Do they get some of the allocated funding GOP Cong. Wolf projects as $1.3 million????
Who benefits? Follow the money. Always good advice.
I think most progressives would donate whether a tax deduction comes or not, but would the Coors or the Mellon-Scaifes??? What a deal to get a tax benefit while helping to over-throw Bill Clinton, the New Deal, etc. What a system! What a country!!
Poor folks don't have many seats at these 'democratic' (small 'd) discussion tables of policy thinking. Is under-representation in this (4th, 5th?) branch of government ... 'democratic'?
Of course, there are organizations out there trying to help the have nots.
Corporations send bunches of monies to their favorite tax-exempt (ahem, 'nonpartisan political') organizations, too. They have a big say.
Organizing under IRS 501(c)(3) code seems to be abused.
Why does every Gary Bauer and James Dobson, Tom, Dick and Harriet need one? They sure are popular amongst the Beltway insiders.
How to fix it from abuse?
501s almost seem like a racket as they are used by some ... set oneself up in a cozy tax exempt; donation-tax-deductible 'business' ... er, I mean, non-partisan educational organization.
Live and work at home, yet appear BIG on the Internet.
They're PR firms basically, aren't they? Hill & Knowlton isn't tax-exempt.
How many think tanks does it take to run a country anyway?? or to screw in a light bulb?
from the IRS website:
To be tax-exempt as an organization described in IRC Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for one or more of the purposes set forth in IRC Section 501(c)(3) and none of the earnings of the organization may inure to any private shareholder or individual.
In addition, it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate at all in campaign activity for or against political candidates. The organizations described in IRC Section 501(c)(3) are commonly referred to under the general heading of "charitable organizations.",,id=96099,00.htmlMaybe the code needs reform??? and/or better enforcement, more transparency??? take corporate money out of it????
Equal time would certainly help ... just not having someone from AEI appear in the corporate media. Even then, who decides what is 'equal time'?
bona fide charities and educational organizations are one thing ... but, Heritage, as an example, is something entirely else ... it manufactures a product packaged as propaganda and disinformation ...
"The Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes."
Neat-o Isn't that what free speech is all about!!
From Heritage's website re "Fundraising":
"Other Ways to Increase Income"
Combined Federal Campaign
To become eligible for donations through the Combined Federal Campaign, you must be a charitable organization recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt under Section 501(C)(3). You also must meet a series of eligibility and accountability standards.
“Federal employees and military personnel designate a specific amount each pay period to be donated to the charity of their choice. For application purposes, Heritage’s CFC# is 0881.”
More money! Yeah!! and, from our Civil Service. Wonder if Dick Cheney contributes to Heritage, and gets a tax-deduction, too? Lynne works at the American Enterprise Institute. They just live win-win lives. The money just flows in and out. Newt is a Fellow at AEI AND Hoover, and has his own tax exempts to boot.
contributions can be made in the form of
stock certificates, too …
“Stocks can be electronically transferred or you can send us the actual stock certificate.”
Does this make some Think Tanks stockholders and tax exempt??? from Heritage's website:
501(c)(3)s must be neat thing to set up ... pay a salary and expenses (like a Connecticut and K Sts. NW office or one a block from the Capitol ... folks like Newt Gingrich get money to help support their hitting the pundit talk circuit and be unencumbered for appearances here, there and yonder ... what a sweet deal ... wouldn't it be nice if we all had paid unencumbered time to participate??
Tax exempt organizations like the Council for National Policy (where the wealthy corpo-crats meet up with the Christian Reconstructionists-Diebold financial backer Howard Ahamson and Jerry Falwell, etc.) meet, organize, and conduct business in total secret. ...
Ultra-right-winger and Think Tanker Paul Weyrich said:
"We are no longer working to preserve the status quo. We are radicals, working to overturn the present power structure in this country." your tax deductible dollars now ... Yee-hi ...
Ever visit the Council of Conservative Citizens' website to see what American values they promote? imho, Just change the letters to all "Ks" ... "The Conservative Citizens Foundation is a 503(c)(3) organization."
CATO Institute money (Charles Koch), also, supports the Aspen Institute.
This is how ideology and propaganda are 'worked' into political thought ... I've caught, at least, 2 BBC World News reports where they used CATO personnel as experts. Another Scaife funded organization, The Hoover Institution located at Stanford Univ., “Fellowed‘, packaged, and delivered Kindasleazy Rice.
It just goes on and on ...
There's the good, the bad and the ugly ...
but, certainly, something needs fixing.