Someone else on DU has written an excellent post which points out that there are people here who are willing to do menial labor, but just want a fair wage to do the work. And to allow illegal immigration to continue because of the excuse that we need cheap labor, is to create a slave labor. That reasoning you can find here and I agree with it:'m taking this a step further and I'm suggesting that we aren't in need of an open border with Mexico to continue perpetual immigration for an illegal, but cheap work force, because we have an entire culture of migrant farm workers already here in the United States who are ready to do the work. And they've been here for several generations.
The more established workers have a permanent base in federal subsidized housing. There's one I visited in Homestead a few months back which is very clean and has the necessary amenities. School, church and community center. We were shown around the area by a Mexican American woman who accompanied her father to pick crops up north when she was young.
They existed on federal housing which they paid year round at Homestead, but left it vacant when they lived out of their cars to follow the harvest. They existed year to year on the basics, living off of charitable donations from church, and of course, any federal assistance they could get. And because of their frugal decisions, the father saved enough money to buy enough land to farm. His sons now own the property and they live as farmers. THEY hire the migrant workers now and if there is any negative to this story, it's that they grew up believing that they only needed to learn how to ride a tractor so didn't go beyond a sixth or ninth grade education. They really aren't prepared to do anything else, but farm their land. But, they're the lucky ones.
I asked my guide how many of the Mexican American immigrants who come to this country make the leap away from the migrant worker world and into American society. She said she knew very few who did. They just follow the crops year to year and keep to their own kind and their own culture. That means, that you have Mexican-American migrant farm workers in this country who have been official Americans for more than a generation, but who feel more comfortable with Mexicans than they do breaking away from that culture in order to follow the American dream by getting a college education and settling into an uppity neighborhood where they can fight with their obnoxious, bigoted, privileged neighbors the way that I do, every day and...oh, oops, did I say that out loud?
Anyway, the point is that there is a subculture already in existence here. Real Americans who happen to have created their own subculture. They do not want to assimilate to "our" world by their choice. By American standards, they speak a different language and they're a bit too chauvinist, but they're filling in the need for cheap labor to pick crops. So we don't need a perpetual workforce of illegal aliens from Mexico, when we already have a legal one here and probably quite happy to have the work.I'm just saying, that you need to recognize this subculture within America and accept the fact that they're not going to assimilate and it's their choice. They are technically Americans because they are now a generation or two vested in this country, but they are hidden people, existing on the fringes.