Edited on Sun Mar-26-06 10:00 PM by KoKo01
Could we do it? Could we figure we will have years of Repug Domination even if we can get a few Dems in...that the Repugs have Legions of their Army of Armageddonists waiting in the wings. And, they are clever and Rove will be followed with more Rove Clones...on and on and on ...for the rest of our fragile lifetimes.
BUT...how could we throw off the yolk of PARTY DOMINATION/IDEOLOGY/THEOLOGICAL DOMINATION and get BACK TO WHAT AMERICA WAS (supposedly founded on)...you know the drill..."Religious Freedom, Economic Freedom and the right to pursue some sense of "happiness" (which I think Jefferson really meant to say: "Fulfillment and Satisfaction of being an Earth Dweller) but it got garbled somehow into "happiness" which is an odd phrase meaning different things to different folks.
So...back to "ENTERPRISE ZONES." Zones that could trade with other Americans what our ZONE can supply in TRADE for what we CANNOT...so that other American TRADE ZONES can TRADE WITHIN the ZONES for SUPPLY and DEMAND and all HUMMING AND WORKING IN BALANCE?
COULD WE DO THIS? Could we RAMP UP our decrepit abandoned factories and make them Enviro Friendly but sucessful? Could we grow what we can in our geographical climates given the enviro limits of the coming Global Warming but STILL MANAGE to find ways to MAKE AND TRADE?
To "Use Up, Make Do or Wear Out?
Would it be worth it...or is it a fantasy? :shrug: