Responses to My Letter
The following are the responses I received to the letter that I wrote. Notice that they have to resort to name-calling and they use the "baby-killer" argument. These guys really didn't show their intelligence, especially the guy that linked 9/11 and Iraq. I don't think they realize it but they proved my point. Enjoy!
Too many liberal amnesiacs
In response to Chance ___________ (Your Views, Dec. 3): I am a Democrat but not a liberal. My Democratic Party of yesteryear did not consist of the liberals of today. In 1998, President Clinton and Congress passed the "Iraq Liberation Act" to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Clinton and his congressional friends believed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. This is recorded history and it happened two years before George W. Bush was elected president.
I believed what Clinton said then. Now he and his liberal friends whom I voted for have amnesia. They lie and they bad-mouth Bush and the war. This gets our kids killed and gives aid to the enemy. Democrats are connected to the cut-and-run crowd and the liberal crazies such as the ACLU, Michael Moore, George Soros, Cindy Sheehan, Jane Fonda and Al Franken. This is a liberal, atheistic, destructive movement that only uses the name "Democrat." I've been running, not walking, away from these deceptive liberals. (Really a Democrat?)
Rest of story
In response to Chance ___________ (Your Views, Dec. 3): Yes, liberals did start the women's rights movement and everything else he spoke of. However, they're also responsible for it being legal to kill unborn babies. Liberal environmentalists keep us dependent on foreign oil, keeping our gas prices high, because they restrict drilling on our own soil.
Hopelessly delusional
Chance ____________ (Your Views, Dec. 3) says liberals are on the right side today because of historical positions on women's suffrage and the works of Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Harry Truman. Today's liberal leaders are Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and John Kerry. They are not the great Democrats of the past! (Last name here) claims Christian fundamentalists want to impose their views on others. Actually, they only want to defend their views from extinction by the extreme left, which wants to totally secularize this country.
If (last name went here) thinks Republicans are upset, what are the liberals mentioned above when they start their rants over the war? (Last name here) mentions corrupt Republican politics, forgetting the only Democratic president in 25 years assaulted women, committed perjury, lost his law license and was held in contempt of court. Also, everyone who paid taxes, not just the wealthy, got a cut.
As long as extreme left-wingers control the Democratic Party, it will lose elections, remain hopelessly delusional and be a contradiction in terms -- sort of like a "chaste prostitute."
Here's an update
Chance ___________ (Your Views, Dec. 3) wondered why liberals don't get credit for their accomplishments. He lists women's suffrage, World War II and civil rights. All are noteworthy, but the last occurred 40 years ago. Since then, liberals accomplished the Vietnam War, in which over 58,000 Americans were killed and no victory achieved. Also, liberals accomplished Roe vs. Wade, which legalized the killing of unborn babies -- estimated at 15 million per year.
As to (my last name went here) comment on the war in Iraq, since more people died on 9/11 than at Pearl Harbor, what was President Bush to do? Ignore it, as his predecessor did after all the attacks in the 1990s? Or have the guts to draw the line and say this is too much? I was a volunteer World War II combat fighter pilot. Under today's circumstances, I'd volunteer again, regardless of who is president. Finally, (last name here) said the religious right controls the Republican Party. The Democratic Party is controlled by the Hollywood left.
MY NOTE: I am writing a follow-up. :)