Nobody here was happy with all of the bending-over that occurred during the recent judicial confirmations or the NSA spying,
to choose only the two most recent examples. In fact I think the latter is the root cause of it all. They're being blackmailed.
If they're totally, squeaky-clean, they make stuff up because people will believe it anyway once the media repeats it enough times
-- what we now call "Swift-boating".
The 2000 elections should have been a landslide.
Not with the media hammering on the administration day in-day out over anything and nothing.
The media onslaught, plus Ralph Nader, kept it close enough to steal.
The 2004 elections ?...
You mean the ones in which we raised way more money for our candidates than any Democratic campaign ever?
(Though a drop in the bucket compared to $BILLIONS in free advertising for the Republicans)
The one where we had thousands of poll-watchers desperately trying to ensure that votes would be accurately counted?
(Only to be thrown out on the pretext of a "terror alert" when it came time for them to fiddle the count)
The one where we had the biggest voter registration drives in history?
(Only to have many of the registrations thrown out illegally so those voters couldn't vote)
How'd that not work out that way ? Cause we were
How is that again? Seems to me we did everything we could with what we have.
What we don't have is a free press, and that is killing us.
(including in the arena of social fashionability, I mean political correctness)
What ARE you talking about?
and LAME.
That is because our party has been getting robbed and murdered for almost 6 years (and counting).
Yeah, it's staggering quite a bit -- too weak to really hit back at all. It sucks, but that's
where we are. We are there because the Republicans own the media, the churches, and the voting
What do you think we could have done about that?
What can we do about it now?
About the only thing I can think of is taking the bastards to court to stop more Diebold Republican Electing machinez
from being installed. is doing that, and I strongly support those efforts.