Or Christmas. Or Easter. Or Lent or All Saint’s Day or All Soul’s Day or President’s Day.
Here’s what’s going on. Christianity has been the dominant religion in western society for a very, very long time. Due to this dominance, our culture has developed certain privileges associated with being Christian. Now, as we move (unless Bush et al have their way) towards a progressive, enlightened society, we are charged with accepting, acknowledging, and, I hope, celebrating the differences between each of us, including the fact that not everyone is Christian. However, as the privileges for being Christian are removed as we move towards this goal, some Christians who do not realize what is going on and what has been going on see this as persecution.
You see, the privileged or majority group rarely see the fact that they are privileged. As many have described it, it’s like a fish relating to the water it swims in. The water has always been there and the fish has always been in it, so it’s taken for granted and goes unnoticed. We see the same thing with white people who complain about how all the “good” jobs go to black people. We see the same thing when men complain about how women are taking over the entire world. Are either of those things true? No, with race and gender, we still have a long way to go before we have a truly equitable society, but that doesn’t stop those who see their falsely-attained privileges being removed. I say they were falsely attained because they were breed into society based on prejudice and, in many cases, hatred. They were not earned.
So, that’s the same thing with this whole ridiculous “war on Christianity” thing. Some people don’t want everybody to have a seat at the table and feel threatened when they sense somewhere in their being that they are being expected to be more accepting. Plus, it energizes the base because a group that feels they are being attacked from the outside is much more cohesive.
And it gives O’Lielly something to talk about. Because I think that dude is running out of topics.